not sure what caused me to think about it this week, but I started pondering on
the changes that the “independently published” movement would cause to the
genres as we know it. In other words, people thought of agents and acquisition
editors as roadblocks. They were the threshold guardians (a totally fantasy
world term, but one that applies) who would deny passage to aspiring authors.
They were the crushers of hopes and dreams on a purely exaggerated level.
what if they actually served a purpose? In other words, they had seen a lot and
how audiences react. They’ve seen what books have “made it” in the market. I
remember talking with an agent when I was first starting out about twelve years
ago. He was angered because I killed a family in front of a small child in the
first scene of my book. He said, “would you let your child read this?”—which
was purely hypothetical because I was a teenager at the time. My answer was of
course not because it is not “harry potter” children’s book fantasy. In fact,
while most outsiders classify Atlantis Cursed as partly YA, I actually wrote it
as “adult.”

know these are exaggerated to make a point, which is probably a logical flaw
somewhere, but I think there is some merit for writers not to stay completely
isolated. They need someone in the business to second guess some decisions. I
may think something is great, but others may see it in a different way. And, if
the entire market thinks so, then I have a problem. There is merit in seeking
outside opinions. What will be the response? Will people interpret it in the
same way as I intended?
published” author is a little misleading. These authors should be anything but
independent. They should be seeking outside sources more so than anyone else.
They should seek beta readers and editors. I’m not a big component for critique
groups due to my own experiences, but I have heard, when done right, these are
also valuable. In other words, maybe we should make sure the response to our
novels will be what we want or if we should address otherwise unforeseen
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