Sunday, March 25, 2012

Goals...or Burdens

I recently read a book Write Is a Verb: Sit Down. Start Writing. No Excuses. With DVD by Bill O'Hanlon in which one of the chapters asks a writer wanting to become serious to set out goals. I, being a writer who soooo wanted to become serious, did so promptly. The problem? What happens when goals are too far? In my ambition, I set plans without weighing time to accomplish against time available. Working two jobs creates a never-ending struggle to squeeze out minutes in the day. I believe with my whole heart that it is worth the effort not to use the two jobs as an excuse, but ultimately it is an issue.

So, what happens when goals set were too unrealistic? Self hatred? Self pity? Or maybe toss out the entire idea altogether for the imperfect method before reading the book. That is the easiest route...even if it didn't actually make things better. Perhaps it is okay to go back to the drawing board. Perhaps it is even okay to change goals or extend deadlines. I can see how such action can lead to the never-ending extension, but if some goals are being met, why can't you extend others? I have finally decided that I am not a failure for "failing" to meet my goals. Maybe I was overly ambitious. BUT if I am making progress toward the ultimate goal of being a thriving writer…even if it is baby steps…who can call that anything other than success? Maybe this process is just another way of teaching patience and perseverance.    

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